
Vi er stolte av og takknemlige for tilliten Forsvarsdepartementet har vist oss til å undervise og sertifisere kommunikasjonstrenere på Balkan. Her ser du et lite utdrag av tilbakemeldinger vi har fått.

«I have known Katrine Adair for more than six years in the framework of her work at the Public Affairs Regional Centre (PARC) in Skopje. […] Based on the outstanding work that I have witnessed, I recommend Katrine Adair and her team from Medialøven to carry out any other project involving Public Affairs and related personal development.»

Simone de Manso
Press Officer, NATO Public Diplomacy Division, Press and Media Section, Brussel

«Participation in the «Train the trainers» program was a unique experience for me in a professional and personal sense. Not only that I sharpened my communication skills and got valuable knowledge for my future cariere, but I also got to know myself better, discovering the potential I didn’t know existed until then.»

Danijela Marjanovic
PR specialist, MOD of Republic of Serbia

«When I first started my participation in «Train the Trainers” I was not sure what to expect, because it was my first experience with professional media trainers, but by the time we finished with the first “round” I was quite impressed with the entire process. Quickly I started enjoying classes. The “Medialoven team” was very professional and there were no problems regarding language barrier or any other cultural disputes.

Personally it has influenced me a lot! It changed my point of view and helped me understanding the nature of the media as our “watch dog of society”. As a Commissioned officer, how you communicate plays a huge role during your carrier. The techniques I learned, for instance how to “deal” with unpredicted situations during press conference, could be used also in a variety of military situations. The way you do bridging, the way you send your message, the way you give credibility to your story (argument), adding facts, place, time and personal experience….is definitely a useful “kit” for an army officer.

“Medialoven” instructor team were experts and were very clear in their methods of teaching and the class interaction was very good. Having “Medialoven team” providing basic and advanced training regarding media is an invaluable asset for our army. All our junior and (some) senior leaders have since my participation in “Train the Trainers “, been trained by “Katrine’s method”, and we are very thankful as a nation.

Katrine’s sessions are unique classes in which we achieve a great progress and seized the opportunity to drag a great benefit. The training was incredibly useful. Katrine really knows her stuff, she took the time to understand our work and provide a customized training package. Probably one of the most worthwhile training I have ever done, not just because of the topic, but probably the way it was delivered. Katrine was simply brilliant.»

Besnik Emini
Brigadier General, North Macedonian Army